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Rua de Barreiros, 74,
4715-166 Nogueira,
Braga, Portugal

Rua do Monte de S. Bento, lote 11 e 12,
4705-700 Fradelos,
Braga, Portugal


+351 253 257 148 (Seg-Sex: 9h00-19h00) (Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)

Rua de Barreiros, 74,
4715-166 Nogueira,
Braga, Portugal

Rua do Monte de S. Bento, lote 11 e 12,
4705-700 Fradelos,
Braga, Portugal


+351 253 257 148 (Seg-Sex: 9h00-19h00) (Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)
Anti-Pain Gel for Roll-on Body Massage - 60ml
Anti-Pain Gel for Roll-on Body Massage - 60ml

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  • Anti-Pain Gel for Body Massage Roll-on is a massage gel that helps to protect and recover areas of the body with a double action of cold and heat.
  • Sindolor Gel helps to relieve muscle and joint discomfort. It also helps to relieve the discomfort caused by bruises thanks to its formula with Arnica, Aloe Vera and various oils from medicinal plants.
  • Roll-on designed to facilitate a hygienic, comfortable and quick application.
  • The new SINDOLOR is also used in magnetotherapy to improve its effects.
  • Roll-on: Designed in Rollón to facilitate a hygienic, comfortable and quick application, with a minimum quantity of product.
  • The design makes it easier to carry in your wallet or pocket.
  • Quantity: 60ml



This product was created with a series of natural extracts for maintenance and good condition of the surface areas of the body.

Properties of some of its ingredients:

  • ALCANFOR: Anti septic and slightly analgesic. Relief from itching and skin irritation even caused by insects, bactericides, used for centuries for pain relief, local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory. Provides superficial body well-being.
  • MENTHOL: anesthetic, decongestant, antibacterial, refreshing, when applied to the skin, increases blood flow.
  • CHAMOMILE: Chamomile oil offers relaxing, calming and anti-inflammatory benefits.
  • SALVIA: stimulating, antiseptic, healing, anti-inflammatory, relaxing, useful to reduce body odor. Contains vitamin A and C
  • OLIVE OIL: Moisturizer to maintain skin elasticity, hydrated, its use in massages is well known. Contains vitamin E (antioxidant) and vitamin K (skin soothing)
  • ALOE VERA: Read the detailed description on Body Milk and After Sun
  • ARNICA: analgesic, antibacterial, analgesic, relief of irritations and swelling. Experts recommend for the relief of arthritis and osteoarthritis. Widely used in sport.




Therapeutic indications:

  • It is a product based on natural extracts for body massage, contains among others Aloe Vera, Olive Oil, etc. Strongly soothing and immediately relieves with cold / heat effect in circumstances of pain external muscles and joints due to arthritis or osteoarthritis, sprains, muscle wounds, bruises and insect bites, (in the latter case rub vigorously with SINDOLLOR).
  • Neck fatigue and discomfort (in some cases it can relieve dizziness and vertigo): Massage the cervical area with SINDOLOR in the morning and at night, leaving the necks at night wrapped in a woolen scarf several nights until the discomfort subsides.
  • Lumbar pain, back pain, osteoarthritis, arthritis, etc .: Massage the area with enough product for 3/4 minutes, when finished, cover with a woolen cloth previously moistened with hot water (well drained) and wait. For 10 minutes. There will be immediate relief and decongestion.
  • Stings: SINDÓLOR, is very effective in cases of stings from wasps, bees (remove the stinger first), mosquitoes, friction with nettles, jellyfish and in general all insects. In this case, spread the area to be treated with abundant product and vigorously massage the bite for several minutes.
  • Suitable for professional use, both manual and with any known device. The new Gel SINDÓL OR, was developed to be used in magnetotherapy helping its effectiveness.
  • For external application only.
  • In case of inflammation: Massage gently with inward spiral movements always starting from the center to the ends to disperse.
  • In sport: it reduces muscle tone, helping to avoid unnecessary tension after sport, thus avoiding possible fiber breakage, cramps, pain, sprains, etc.


Recommended minimum age: Can be used from 7 years old.



  • Do not get in contact with eyes, mucous membranes or wounds.
  • Do not apply together with other products.


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