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Rua de Barreiros, 74,
4715-166 Nogueira,
Braga, Portugal

Rua do Monte de S. Bento, lote 11 e 12,
4705-700 Fradelos,
Braga, Portugal


+351 253 257 148 (Seg-Sex: 9h00-19h00) (Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)

Rua de Barreiros, 74,
4715-166 Nogueira,
Braga, Portugal

Rua do Monte de S. Bento, lote 11 e 12,
4705-700 Fradelos,
Braga, Portugal


+351 253 257 148 (Seg-Sex: 9h00-19h00) (Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)

Kinesiology RSS Feed

16 Apr 0 954
The kinese tapes made a worldwide fury for the first time at the London Olympics in 2012. Titles like “Kinese tape: the new fashion among athletes at the London Games”, makes us doubt whether the news is meant to refer more to a new fashion, or a new treatment!    Or titles like “Kinesio Taping: the therapeutic tape that is a fever in the Lo..
05 Mar 0 442
Miotaping, the new facial rejuvenation treatment The Miotaping massage is indicated to treat and prevent wrinkles, sagging, puffiness and dark circles , with visible results in the short and long term, acting on the points of facial aging: on the skin and muscles of the facial mimic. The objective is to sensorially stimulate the skin, improving it..
19 Nov 0 654
​  Ricardo SottoMayor is a massage therapist with various backgrounds in the field of alternative medicines, namely Osteopaia, Acupuncture, Reiki, Manual Lymphatic Drainage. He also trained as Assistant Physiotherapy Technician, Rehabilitation Massage and Sport (see curriculum below at the end of the interviews). He is the trainer of the “Recovery..
27 Feb 0 19881
The kynesian tapes were invented by Dr. Kenzo Kase. After his graduation in Chiropractic, by the University of Chicago, he began to treat several patients and soon realized that the tapes, which existed at the time, were too rigid to treat joints and muscle problems. They were suitable for fixed assets,  but did not have the flexibility to promote ..
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