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Rua de Barreiros, 74,
4715-166 Nogueira,
Braga, Portugal

Rua do Monte de S. Bento, lote 11 e 12,
4705-700 Fradelos,
Braga, Portugal


+351 253 257 148 (Seg-Sex: 9h00-19h00) (Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)

Rua de Barreiros, 74,
4715-166 Nogueira,
Braga, Portugal

Rua do Monte de S. Bento, lote 11 e 12,
4705-700 Fradelos,
Braga, Portugal


+351 253 257 148 (Seg-Sex: 9h00-19h00) (Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)
Lime Basil Luxury Bath Soap - 350g
Lime Basil Luxury Bath Soap - 350g

Price With Taxes

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  • Stock: In stock
  • Brand: Ach Brito
  • Model: MM-SLBLB350

​The new Luxo-Banho Lime Basil soap offers a fresh and revitalizing fragrance.

Hand packed and with an ergonomic oval shape, it is made from vegetable soap and enriched with sweet almond oil, which gives it a soft touch and a very pleasant use. Leaves skin clean, hydrated and lightly scented.

Perfect for pampering the skin and the senses in a true luxury bath.

This soap is environmentally friendly, contains a vegetable soap base and is enriched with sweet almond oil.
Traditionally produced in Portugal and packed by hand.

It is part of the Luxo-Banho line, a brand registered in 1927.




The fragrance is composed of notes of lime, bergamot, basil, vetiver and patchouli.

With a smooth texture, it cleans and perfumes the skin at the same time.

Skin types:
Suitable for all skin types.




Additional information

How to grow Lime basil?

O novo sabonete Luxo-Banho Lime Basil oferece uma fragrância fresca e revitalizante.

Embalado manualmente e com um ergonómico formato oval, é produzido com base de sabão vegetal e enriquecido com óleo de amêndoas doces, que lhe confere um toque suave e uma utilização muito agradável. Deixa a pele limpa, hidratada e levemente perfumada.

Perfeito para mimar a pele e os sentidos num verdadeiro banho de luxo.

Este sabonete é amigo do ambiente, contém base de sabão vegetal e é enriquecido com óleo de amêndoas doces.
Produzido tradicionalmente em Portugal e embalado à mão.

Faz parte da linha Luxo-Banho, uma marca registada em 1927.




A fragrância é composta por notas de lima, bergamota, manjericão, vetiver e patchouli.


Com uma textura suave, limpa e perfuma a pele em simultâneo.


Tipos de pele:
Indicado para todos os tipos de pele.









Informação adicional


Como cultivar Lime basil?

Manjericão Lima

Como cultivar manjericão a partir de sementes?
O manjericão é uma das ervas mais conhecidas e populares, e é um ingrediente chave em pratos italianos como pizza, massas e pesto.

Ideal para recipientes ou para uma janela ensolarada, o manjericão é uma erva tenra, frondosa, aromática e que ama o sol. Crescerá em ambiente exterior desde que seja protegida de ventos fortes e receba muita luz solar. O sol do meio-dia pode ser demais para as plantas jovens de manjericão, então deverão estar num local que receba sobra nessa parte mais quente do dia.

Existem muitas variedades de manjericão. O manjericão doce é a variedade mais popular cultivada e consumida na culinária. O manjericão com canela é uma variedade compacta que vem do México e tem um sabor suave de canela. O manjericão-limão, outra variedade compacta, é um ótimo acompanhamento para peixes. O manjericão roxo é semelhante ao manjericão doce, mas tem folhas roxas deliciosamente escuras.

Semeie sementes de manjericão na primavera num adubo húmido num vaso de 3 polegadas, permitindo cerca de 5 sementes por vaso. Cubra levemente com composto e coloque numa zona com luz e quente, evitando a luz solar direta. A germinação geralmente leva de 10 a 21 dias. Mantenha a rega húmida por baixo. Após cerca de três semanas, pique as mudas menores e mais fracas, deixando as três plantas mais fortes no vaso.

Quando as mudas de manjericão desenvolverem pelo menos 5 folhas verdadeiras, transplante-as para as posições finais de crescimento. Este pode ser um vaso um pouco maior, com 4 ou 5 polegadas de diâmetro, se o seu manjericão for destinado a um peitoril de janela ensolarado ou banco de estufa, ou pode estar do lado de fora numa posição quente e ensolarada. Infelizmente, embora protegido dos elementos, o manjericão cultivado em casa não tem tanto sabor ou fragrância quanto o manjericão cultivado fora.

Quando a planta de manjericão atingir um bom tamanho, idealmente com pelo menos 10 cm de altura e muitas folhas, aperte ou corte as folhas conforme necessário. Evite cortar caules inteiros, pois isso enfraquecerá a planta e prejudicará seu crescimento. Remova quaisquer flores que apareçam permitindo que o manjericão se concentre no crescimento de folhas saborosas.

O manjericão fresco é muito mais saboroso do que o manjericão seco. No entanto, o manjericão pode ser preservado por secagem ou congelamento. Para secar o Manjericão corte a base do caule e amarre os talos em cachos. Pendure de cabeça para baixo num local escuro, quente e seco até secar, então simplesmente desfaça as folhas e caules num frasco hermético. Alternativamente, coloque um punhado de folhas num saco pequeno ou bandeja de cubos de gelo e coloque no frigorífico até que seja necessário.

How to grow basil from seeds?
Basil is one of the most well-known and popular herbs, and it's a key ingredient in Italian dishes like pizza, pasta, and pesto.

Ideal for containers or a sunny window, basil is a tender, leafy, aromatic and sun-loving herb. It will grow outdoors as long as it is protected from strong winds and receives plenty of sunlight. The midday sun can be too much for young basil plants, so they should be in a location that gets plenty of it during this hottest part of the day.

There are many varieties of basil. Sweet basil is the most popular variety grown and consumed in cooking. Cinnamon Basil is a compact variety that comes from Mexico and has a mild cinnamon flavor. Lemon basil, another compact variety, makes a great accompaniment to fish. Purple basil is similar to sweet basil but has deliciously dark purple leaves.

Sow basil seeds in the spring in a moist compost in a 3-inch pot, allowing about 5 seeds per pot. Cover lightly with compost and place in a bright, warm area, avoiding direct sunlight. Germination usually takes 10 to 21 days. Keep the watering wet underneath. After about three weeks, chop up the smallest, weakest seedlings, leaving the three strongest plants in the pot.

When the basil seedlings develop at least 5 true leaves, transplant them to the final growth positions. This can be a slightly larger pot, 4 or 5 inches in diameter, if your basil is intended for a sunny windowsill or greenhouse bench, or it can be outside in a warm, sunny position. Unfortunately, while protected from the elements, home-grown basil doesn't have as much flavor or fragrance as outdoor-grown basil.

When the basil plant has reached a good size, ideally at least 10 cm tall and has lots of leaves, pinch or cut the leaves as needed. Avoid cutting entire stems, as this will weaken the plant and stunt its growth. Remove any blooms that appear allowing the basil to focus on growing tasty leaves.

Fresh basil is much tastier than dried basil. However, basil can be preserved by drying or freezing. To dry basil, cut the base of the stem and tie the stems in bunches. Hang upside down in a dark, warm, dry place until dry, then simply shred the leaves and stems into an airtight jar. Alternatively, place a handful of leaves in a small bag or ice cube tray and refrigerate until needed.





Basil Lime

The upmarket Lemon Basil selection producing a beautiful zesty lime aroma. 12-24". Annual.

How to Grow Basil from Seed
Basil is one of the best known and most popular herbs in the UK and is a key ingredient in Italian dishes such as pizza, pasta and pesto.

Ideal for containers or a sunny windowsill, Basil is a tender, leafy, aromatic, sunshine loving herb. It will grow outside in the UK as long as it is sheltered from harsh winds and gets plenty of sunlight. That said, the mid-day sun can be too much for young basil plants so a little shade may be appreciated in during the hottest part of the day.

There are many varieties of Basil, Sweet basil is the most popular variety grown and eaten in the UK. Cinnamon basil is a compact variety that comes from Mexico and has a mild cinnamon flavour. Lemon basil, another compact variety is a great accompaniment to fish. Purple basil is similar to sweet basil, but has lusciously dark purple leaves.

Sow Basil seeds in spring on a moist potting compost in a 3 inch pot allowing about 5 seeds per pot. Lightly cover with compost and place in a bright and warm position avoiding direct sunlight. Germination usually takes 10 to 21 days. Keep moist watering from below. After about three weeks, prick out the smaller, weaker seedlings, leaving the three strongest plants in the pot.

Once the Basil seedlings have developed at least 5 true leaves, transplant them to their final growing positions. This could be a slightly larger pot, 4 or 5 inches in diameter, if your Basil is intended for a sunny windowsill or greenhouse bench, or could be outside in a warm, sunny position. Unfortunately, while protected from the elements, Basil grown indoors does not have quite as much flavour or fragrance as basil grown outside.

Once the Basil plant has reached a good size, ideally at least 10cm tall with plenty of leaves, pinch or cut the leaves off as required. Avoid chopping off whole stems as this will weaken the plant and hamper its growth. Remove any flowers that appear allowing the Basil to concentrate on growing tasty leaves.

Fresh basil is much tastier than dried basil. However Basil can be preserved by drying or freezing. To dry Basil cut the base of the stem and tie the stems in bunches. Hang upside down in a dark, warm, dry place until dry then simply crumble the leaves and stems into an airtight jar. Alternatively place a handful of leaves into a small bag, or ice cube tray and place in the freezer until required.

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