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Rua de Barreiros, 74,
4715-166 Nogueira,
Braga, Portugal

Rua do Monte de S. Bento, lote 11 e 12,
4705-700 Fradelos,
Braga, Portugal


+351 253 257 148 (Seg-Sex: 9h00-19h00) (Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)

Rua de Barreiros, 74,
4715-166 Nogueira,
Braga, Portugal

Rua do Monte de S. Bento, lote 11 e 12,
4705-700 Fradelos,
Braga, Portugal


+351 253 257 148 (Seg-Sex: 9h00-19h00) (Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)
Omnifix Insulin Syringes 1ml with needle 26G 12mm - 100 units
Omnifix Insulin Syringes 1ml with needle 26G 12mm - 100 units

Price With Taxes

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  • Stock: In stock
  • Brand: B Braun
  • Model: MM-S3P126G12

Syringe characteristics

  • Insulin syringes Omnican 1ml, are single-use syringes with a built-in needle.
  • U-100 insulin
  • 1ml / 100 I.U. (1/100)
  • The inside of the syringe is sterile.
  • Single use.
  • Remove protective wrap before use.
  • Luer duo


Needle size: 26G 12mm


Amount: A box with 100 units.


Other Applications: In addition to the use for insulin, these needle syringes are also widely used in Mesotherapy, as the quality of B. Braun guarantees quality treatments.

Many mesotherapy professionals use these syringes with the needle attached for the following reasons:

  • don't leave
  • do not bend
  • it's not hard
  • reduce pain in treatment the final price is cheaper, as it has a syringe and needle already integrated



  • Do not use damaged syringes or open casing.
  • Do not return the protective cap to the needle after removing.
  • Dispose of used syringes in an appropriate container for this purpose.




Information additional 


Diabetes: aprenda a aplicar insulina - YouTube


Curiosity: A matter of measures ...

The gauss units [G], the CGS and tesla [T] in the SI refer to magnetic induction (B) - also referred to as magnetic flux density.

The gauss, symbolized by the letter G, is the CGS unit of magnetic flux density or magnetic induction (B), named after the German mathematician and physicist Carl Friedrich Gauss. A gauss is defined as a maxwell per square centimeter.

For many years, until 1932, the term gauss was used to designate the unit of magnetic field intensity that is now known as oersted. This terminology change was introduced to distinguish between magnetic induction and magnetic intensity as physical magnitudes.

The SI unit of magnetic flux density is the tesla. A gauss equals 10-4 tesla.

1 T = 10 000 G

1 G = 100 μT



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