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Rua de Barreiros, 74,
4715-166 Nogueira,
Braga, Portugal

Rua do Monte de S. Bento, lote 11 e 12,
4705-700 Fradelos,
Braga, Portugal


+351 253 257 148 (Seg-Sex: 9h00-19h00) (Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)

Rua de Barreiros, 74,
4715-166 Nogueira,
Braga, Portugal

Rua do Monte de S. Bento, lote 11 e 12,
4705-700 Fradelos,
Braga, Portugal


+351 253 257 148 (Seg-Sex: 9h00-19h00) (Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)
Epicondylitis Armband - Orliman Sport
Epicondylitis Armband - Orliman Sport

Price With Taxes

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  • Stock: In stock
  • Brand: Orliman
  • Model: MM-BEOSTU

Made of soft, resistant and breathable elastic knit fabric, without seams, thus avoiding any type of friction, providing greater comfort, three-dimensional (3D) anatomical fit.

It has an anatomical silicone pad to distribute the pressure of the elastic band in the prominent area to the surrounding tissues, absorbing the vibrations that may exist in the arm area.

With velcro adjustment system.


It has an anatomical silicone pad to distribute the pressure of the elastic band in the prominent area to the  surrounding tissues, absorbing the vibrations that may exist in the arm area. With an adjustment system through velcro.


Compression in the tendon area, minimizing unwanted pressure and compressions caused when we practice sports activities.
Reduces strain on the muscle tendon, relieving pain.



Radial epicondylitis. Cubital epicondylitis. Protection and recovery functional in sports practice.


Gray color.



Bracelete epicondilite

         ADJUSTABLE                      GEL PADS                           UNIVERSAL SIZE







Additional information

What is Epicondylitis, what causes it and how to treat it?

Epicondylitis is a common injury. Many people suffer from this injury but do not know it. Known as "tennis elbow" or "golfer's elbow", this inflammation is not exclusive to those who practice these sports.

It can appear in people who perform repetitive movements with their fingers, wrists and elbows.

The suffix “itis” means inflammation, and “Epicodili” means epicondyle (rounded elbow bone protrusion, present both on the inside and outside of this joint).

Epicondylitis can be medial or lateral. What can cause inflammation and what are the most indicated treatment modalities?

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Causes and Risk Factors of Medial and Lateral Epicondylitis
Lateral epicondylitis causes pain in the region of the external epicondyle (outside of the elbow), where the tendons responsible for the extension movement (lifting) of the wrist and fingers and desupination (rotating) the forearm out originate. They are the Short Radial Extensor Carpus, Extensor Finger, Extensor Little Finger, Extensor Carpi Ulnaris, and the Supinator.

Inflammation of these tendons causes local pain and, if chronic pain passes, it can lead to ruptures of their insertion. When it occurs on the outside, that is, outside the elbow, it is classified as lateral (tennis elbow).

Already in the medial epicondyle originate the tendons that bend the wrist and fingers, called flexors. They are, flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, palmaris longus, tester teres and flexor digitorum superficialis.

When the injury is on the inner side of the elbow, that is, on the inside, it is classified as medial (golfer's elbow).

Several factors can contribute to this injury.

Medial epicondylitis is more common in people over 45, active, who repeatedly use their fingers, wrist, and elbow. It is estimated that 0.5% of the population of this group suffers from this problem.

On the other hand, lateral epicondylitis usually affects athletes who involve throwing.

After the repetitive activities and overload of the mentioned regions, the process of inflammation, followed by micro-ruptures and local fibrosis sets in, leading to intense pain and deficit of function.

Bodybuilding, or any other sport, with inadequate load or wrong mechanics, can also cause this type of injury.


Symptoms may vary for each patient. The most common are:

* Elbow pain that gets worse over time

* Pain worsens with some wrist or finger movements, such as opening a can, lifting a weight, wringing out a cloth

* Muscle stiffness and burning

* Weakness

* Sensitivity in the affected area

* Radiation of pain to forearm and back of hand

Very common complaints in the office are:

"I can't wring a cloth."

"I can't open a can."

“Objects fall out of my hand.”

It is very important to point out that it is not recommended to treat any type of injury without professional guidance.

The evaluation of a specialist doctor is essential, as many people treat epicondylitis without even having the problem. They are based on searches for symptoms, which can be similar to other types of inflammation.

Only an orthopedist can apply an assertive treatment based on the peculiarities of each case.


Treatments for Acute Epicondylitis
Epicondylitis can present acutely or chronically in patients. Each case needs to be analyzed in a personalized way for the best treatment option to be applied.

Among the main treatment modalities in the acute form of inflammation, we can mention:

Interrupt activities that overload the affected area for a time determined by the doctor, based on image exams where the intensity of the lesion will be shown.

Short-term immobilization of the joint for acute pain relief


​Stretching and exercises to strengthen the inflamed joint.

Often, the patient feels better at the beginning of treatment and discontinues it. This attitude is very harmful, because a poorly treated acute injury can become a chronic problem.

But if your epicondylitis is chronic, don't despair. There are efficient ways of treatment.


Treatments for Chronic Epicondylitis
In the chronic form, continuity of physical therapy is essential, aided by:

It consists of localized injections guided by imaging methods, preferably, such as ultrasound, to relieve pain. Where corticosteroids are widely used. However, this type of medication is less and less common and is being replaced by more advanced drugs such as hyaluronic acid, which promotes longer-lasting pain relief, without tendinous degeneration effect and with a regenerative benefit.

Shock wave treatments
The treatment consists of a high-energy acoustic wave deposited in the area of ​​the orthopedic injury. It has nothing to do with electric shock or TENS, the famous “choquinho”, in physiotherapy.

This treatment will stimulate the formation of new blood vessels through the release of anti-inflammatory cells and other cytokines that stimulate tissue healing.

In addition to irrigating and revascularizing the injured area, waves have great power for early pain relief.

This technique has helped thousands of people to resume everyday activities and sports at an early age.


Jovem mulher praticante de tênis recuperada da epicondilite

Is epicondylitis curable?
Innovative and modern treatments such as Shockwave Treatment can successfully recover the injured area and eliminate pain. However, surgery is also an option depending on the severity of the condition.

It is worth mentioning the importance of stretching and strengthening exercises for those people who practice physical activities or work with tasks that require repetitive movements, to prevent Epicondylitis.

If you suffer from elbow pain, which limits your day-to-day tasks and prevents you from exercising, click on the button below and request an evaluation with a specialist doctor.

Written by Dr. Carlos Macedo.

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